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Fiction And Fantasy——On The Hypocrisy of Overseas Anti-China “Cultural Products” Related to Xinjiang

Xinjiang Development Research Center

In recent years, out of the purpose to tarnish the image of Xinjiang and disturb the development in Xinjiang, some anti-China forces abroad have successively produced a number of anti-China “cultural products” including novels, films, documentary films, cartoons, stage plays and video games, which have had a bad influence in the international community. These so-called “cultural products” are imbued with ideological prejudice, telling nonexistent stories full of distorted historical views. They are suffused with the vicious attacks on Xinjiang, completely constitute blasphemy to the word “culture”.

I.False content: Exposing the ugly nature of anti-China “cultural products” related to Xinjiang

According to investigation, overseas anti-China “cultural products” related to Xinjiang involve anti-terrorism, de-radicalization, ethnicity, religion, culture, education, population, labor, human rights and many other aspects. They try to deceive readers by putting together all kinds of “appalling things” to sell their sympathy.

For example, the book Reeducation of Xinjiang Muslims, the film and television video Fear and Oppression in Xinjiang, Exposing: How China Creates the World’s Largest Prison, Xinjiang Reeducation Camp, Brainwashing and Eradicating Culture, the Chinese Government detains More Than One Million Muslims and other works claim that vocational education and training center in Xinjiang is “concentration camp”, “reeducation camp” and “detains more than one million Uygurs”. The book 209 Stories fabricated by an Indian woman writer, Jumana Shubana, through collecting, concocting and processing information such as propaganda and speculation hyped up by western anti-China forces and “three forces” and online video of testimonies by relatives of trainees from vocational education and training center, falsely alleges that China has implemented “cruel oppression” on the “East Turkistan” people, more than 3 million “East Turkistan” people have been detained in “concentration camps” and subjected to unimaginable torture, and Uygur women have been suffered and insulted in the concentration camps. The film Uygurs Are Suffering in Concentration Camps falsely claims that Uygurs have been “suppressed” in China for as long as 10 years, and that the Chinese government treats them as terrorists and imprisons them in “reeducation camps”. In fact, the vocational education and training centers established in Xinjiang in accordance with the law are all schools in nature, which are not essentially different from the DDP (Desistance and Disengagement Programme) set up in the UK and the “de-radicalization center” set up in France. They are both beneficial attempts and positive preventive explorations on anti-terrorism and de-radicalization,aiming at eliminating terrorism and religious extremism from the source. The vocational education and training center follows the concept of “providing education and economic opportunities for violent extremist groups and encouraging them to break away from violent extremist groups” advocated by UN’s Action Plan on Preventing Violent Extremism, which is fully in line with the principles and spirit of the UN Global Counter Terrorism Strategy, and is also an important measure for de-radicalization. The so-called “more than one million Uygurs have been detained” is even more untrustworthy. According to the US Grey Zone website, the data is the “conclusion” of the website of “China human rights defenders ”(CHRD) based on interviews and rough estimates of eight Uygurs, and can not stand up to scrutiny at all. In August 2019, the Information Office of the State Council of China issued the white paper Vocational Education and Training in Xinjiang, which systematically elaborates the realistic background, legal basis, learning content, management measures and remarkable results of the work. In August 2020, the CCTV Chinese international channel broadcast the documentary Lies and the Truth: Vocational Education and Training in Xinjiang, which vividly shows the learning and living conditions of the students in the vocational education and training center with real people, real stories and real scenes, and effectively refutes the lies and fallacies of some anti-China forces.

For example, the book Haze: Sunset in East Turkistan claims that “the Chinese government implements the policy of ‘religious extinction’ in Xinjiang”. In fact, Xinjiang fully implements the policy of respecting and protecting citizens’ freedom of religious belief, and ensures that religious citizens and non religious citizens enjoy the same rights in political, economic, social and cultural aspects. The state protects normal religious activities. Judging from the practical work, there are four key points needed to be pointed out. Firstly, the legitimate religious activities of Muslims of all ethnic groups are protected. Muslims of all ethnic groups can have normal religious activities according to the teachings, regulations or traditional customs of the religion either at mosque or at home based on their own wish. The government also arranges chartered planes for Muslims’ hajj in Mecca, Saudi Arabia each year and provides services along the trip except in the year of 2020 when the hajj had to be canceled for the outbreak of COVID-19. Secondly, the issue and publication of Islamic classics are guaranteed. The Xinjiang Islamic Affair Steering Committee, specially set up by the government, organized the publication of many classics including the Koran, the Essence of Buhari’s Sermon in Chinese, Uygur, Kazakh and Kyrgiz. The access to religious knowledge for Muslims have been expanded. Thirdly, the professional Islamic staff have increased significantly. There are 10 Islamic schools in Xinjiang: the Xinjiang Islamic Institute and its 8 branch schools all over Xinjiang together with Xinjiang Islamic School of Scriptures. These institutes enroll undergraduates, junior college students and secondary school students on the basis of demand. Thus the sound inheritance of Islam are guaranteed. Fourthly, the right of religious circles to participate in and discuss state affairs has been fully guaranteed. There are over 1,000 religious personnel of ethnic groups who serve as deputies in the National People’s Congress or members of the Chinese People’s Political and Consultative Conference at different level, playing their role in democratic supervision and deliberation of state affairs. While guaranteeing the freedom of religious belief, Xinjiang attaches great importance to the protection and repair of mosques.What needs to be emphasized here is that the majority of mosques in Xinjiang were built in the 1980s-1990s or even before. Some of them were built of adobe, some were narrow and some were in a state of disrepair. Thus, whenever a gale or rain strikes, normal religious activities would be disturbed. Not to mention, in case an earthquake occurs, the safety of Muslims would be threatened. Moreover, some of the mosques were laid out improperly, bringing inconveniences for Muslims in carrying out religious activities. In recent years, as urbanization and rural revitalization accelerate, in response to the appeal and application of local Muslims, combining with renovation of urban shanty areas, regulation on human settlements in rural areas, and relocation for poverty alleviation, relevant governments have well solved the problem of dilapidated mosques through building, relocation and extension of the mosques. All these measures were taken in line with the plan on urban and rural development. Muslims are content with the safer and better laid out mosques. Up till now, mosques in Xinjiang can totally satisfy the need of Muslims. On November 3, 2020, the Xinjiang Islamic Association issued The Report On the Reality of Religious Belief in Xinjiang, which comprehensively introduces the situation of freedom of religious belief in Xinjiang. The policy of respecting and protecting freedom of religious belief in Xinjiang has been positively appraised by the international community, including Muslim countries. In March 2019, The Council of foreign ministers of OIC passed a resolution to appreciate the efforts made by Xinjiang to care for the Muslim people.

For example, the book Solving China’s Indivisible Problems: Xinjiang Class And Uygur Identity and the documentary Xinjiang Uygur: China, Where Are My Children claim that “the Chinese government takes Uygur children to official detention camps and forces them to be separated from their parents”. As we all know, Xinjiang has a vast area, and the distance between villages and towns is far, so it is very inconvenient for students to go to school, and it gives parents a hard job to pick up their children to and from school. In order to solve this problem, nearly 400 boarding primary and secondary schools were built in Xinjiang as early as in the 1980s. In recent years, the state has made arrangements to strengthen the construction of boarding schools. According to the requirements, Xinjiang has made scientific and reasonable planning in combination with the development of new urbanization, the implementation of Rural Revitalization Strategy, the changing trend of local school-age children, as well as factors such as geography, transportation, environment and safety. Boarding school construction strictly abides by the relevant national and regional construction standards, and all kinds of learning and living facilities are very complete. The teaching staff in boarding schools are guaranteed through recruitment, training, supporting education program from the inland provinces, and government purchase services. In the stage of compulsory education, students in boarding schools are free of tuition and textbook fees, like students in other schools. Rural boarding students are free of board and lodging fees, and enjoy special living subsidies. Each student in primary school is given 1,250 yuan per academic year, and each student in junior middle school 1,500 yuan per academic year, which effectively reduces the financial burden of students’ families. As for whether students are boarding, it is entirely up to the students themselves and their parents to choose voluntarily. Boarding schools in Xinjiang have never restricted the contacts between students and their parents. Boarding school students go home on weekends. They get to school every Monday morning and go back home after school on Friday afternoon. They stay at home on holidays, and winter and summer holidays. If it is necessary, students can ask for leave at any time. In order to facilitate the contact between parents and students, each dormitory of the school is equipped with a telephone, and students can call their parents at any time. The telephone number of every head teacher of every class is known to all students’ parents, and the parents can call the head teachers if it is necessary. The so-called “forcing ethnic minority children to attend boarding schools, resulting in the separation of flesh and blood” is a complete slander.

For example, the book Sterilization, Intrauterine Device, And Compulsory Family Planning: The Movement of The Chinese Communist Party to Suppress The Birth Rate of Uygur Population in Xinjiang states through the analysis of the so-called “official statistics of China” that “Xinjiang has carried out genocide against Uygurs and other ethnic minorities. The film Pulse: Reeducation Camp in Xinjiang interviews ethnic minority people in Xinjiang, Qinghai and Ningxia, as well as the so-called “survivors of the vocational education and training center” in Kazakhstan, claiming that China has engaged in “genocide” in Xinjiang on the grounds of counter-terrorism and eliminating extremism. The film Evidence Accuses China of Forcing Uygur Women to Sterilize claims that “the Chinese government forces Uygur women to sterilize or install contraceptives in an attempt to limit the Uygur population.” Uygur Massacre (another English title, Worse Than Death: Thinking about Uygur Genocide), a book in Uygur language published by Maimaitiming Aila, the former chairman of “the Uygur Association of Australia”, falsely alleges that the Uygur people are faced with genocide, suffered from brainwashing, torture, rape, organ removal, slave labor, and eventually die. In fact, the main data of the seventh national census of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region show that the total population of Xinjiang and the Uygur population have maintained a steady growth trend, and the so-called “genocide” problem is sheer nonsense.

For example, Sean R. Roberts, associate professor of international affairs practice and director of international development research program at Elliott School of International Affairs of George Washington University in the United States, wrote the book “Uygur war”, which falsely claimed that “the theory that Xinjiang has been China’s territory since ancient times is invented by the Chinese government and is imposed on the Uygurs as the history of Xinjiang” through the so-called “extensive interviews with Uygurs, refugee communities and exiles from Xinjiang. It also slanders China by saying that China packages the “policy of oppressing the Uygur people” and arbitrarily detains the Uygur people under the pretext of combating terrorism and extremism, which leads to the assimilation and marginalization of the Uygur people The book General History of Uygur, written by Nabijiang Tu’erxun, editor of Radio Free Asia and published by the so-called Uygur Research Institute, fabricates the history of the “Founding of the Republic of East Turkistan” around 1944. The book Political History of Uygur: 1949-2012 slanders China for “occupying East Turkistan and persecuting Uygurs”. In fact, Xinjiang has long been an inseparable part of Chinese territory. As early as 60 BC, it was incorporated into China’s territory and became an integral part of China which has been an unified multi-ethnic country. In the history of China, Xinjiang has never been called “East Turkistan”, let alone “East Turkistan State”. In July 2019, the Information Office of the State Council of China issued a white paper entitled Historical Matters Concerning Xinjiang, which elaborated on this in detail. The Turks (Tujue in Chinese) were nomads who originated in the Altai Mountains in the middle of the 6th century. The Turkic Khanate with vast territory was established successively (later divided into East Turkic Khanate and West Turkic Khanate). In the late 8th century, the nomadic Turks dissolved as its last khanate collapsed. They mixed with local tribes during their migration to Central and West Asia, but these newly formed peoples were fundamentally different to the ancient Turks. From the 18th century to the first half of the 19th century, as the West made a distinction between the various Turkic languages (branches of the Altaic languages), some foreign scholars and writers coined the term “Turkistan” to refer to the region south of the Tianshan Mountains and north of Afghanistan, which roughly covered the area from southern Xinjiang to Central Asia. They called the two areas on either side of the Pamirs “West Turkistan” and “East Turkistan”. At the turn of the 20th century, as “Pan-Turkism” and “Pan-Islamism” made inroads into Xinjiang, separatists in and outside China politicized the geographical concept and manipulated its meaning, inciting all ethnic groups speaking Turkic languages and believing in Islam to join in creating the theocratic state of “East Turkistan”. It is not difficult to see that the advocacy of this so-called “East Turkistan state” has become a political tool and program for separatists and anti-China forces attempting to split China. The so-called “occupying East Turkistan and persecuting Uygurs" is absurd and ignorant, which is a typical “conspiracy theory”.

For example, books including Travelers and The War against the Uygurs falsely allege that Xinjiang adopts a “predatory and enslaved” economic development model. This is not the fact at all. First, Xinjiang adheres to the new development philosophy and speeds up high-quality economic development. From 2014 to 2019, the GDP of Xinjiang increased from 919.59 billion yuan to 1359.71 billion yuan, with an average annual growth of 7.2%. The general public budget revenue increased from 128.23 billion yuan to 157.76 billion yuan, with an average annual growth of 5.7%. With the continuous improvement of infrastructure, all prefectures and cities have entered the era of expressway. Secondly, the livelihood of the people of all ethnic groups has improved significantly. From 2014 to 2019, the average annual growth rate of per capita disposable income of Xinjiang residents is 9.1%. More than 1.69 million rural housing projects and 1.56 million urban affordable housing projects have been completed, and more than 10 million people have moved to new houses. The level of basic public services in urban and rural areas has been continuously improved, and the social security system has been gradually improved. The free physical examination has been implemented, the medical facilities in agricultural and pastoral areas have been significantly improved, and the standardization rate of township hospitals and village clinics has reached 100%. The participation rate of residents’ basic medical insurance has reached 99.7%. Thirdly, we have won an all-round victory in poverty alleviation. Under the current standard, 3.0649 million poverty-stricken people have been lifted out of poverty, 3,666 poor villages have shaken off poverty, 35 poor counties have been removed from the lists of poverty-stricken counties, and the Millennium absolute poverty problem has been solved historically. From 2014 to 2019, the central government’s transfer payments to Xinjiang Autonomous Region and Xinjiang production and Construction Corps(XPCC) increased from 263.69 billion yuan to 422.48 billion yuan, with an average annual growth of 10.4%. In six years, the financial support to Xinjiang is over 2,000 billion yuan. The 19 aiding provinces and cities have strengthened all-round counterpart support to Xinjiang. They have invested 96.4 billion yuan in Xinjiang (including XPCC), implemented more than 10,000 aiding projects in Xinjiang, introduced 1,684 billion yuan from enterprises in aiding provinces and cities to Xinjiang, and invested more than 700 billion yuan from central enterprises in Xinjiang. Facts have fully proved that the so-called “predatory and enslaved” economic development model of Xinjiang is unreasonable and inconsistent with reality, and totally untenable.

II.Hypocritical “actors and actresses”-- exposing the despicable tactics of anti-China “cultural products” related to Xinjiang

Overseas anti-China “cultural products” related to Xinjiang package a number of “actors and actresses” who have committed crimes, moral corruption and bad deeds into so-called “parties”, “victims” and “key witnesses”, fabricate the so-called “experience at the vocational education and training center” and “painful experience”, in an attempt to stimulate the audience to have compassion and win the sympathy and support of the international community. The means they adopt are dirty.

For example, Shayilaguli Shawutibayi, a Xinjiang native in the book Key Witness, plays the role of a “victim” who was abused, raped and persecuted at the vocational education and training center. In fact, she is not a trainee of vocational education and training center at all, but a criminal. In June 2015, Shayilaguli Shawutibayi forged the signature of the guarantor, provided false guarantee materials and made a loan to the credit cooperative of Chahanwusu township affiliated to the credit union of Zhaosu County, Yili Kazak Autonomous Prefecture, Xinjiang. In December 2016, she made up a false house purchase contract and borrowed money from the credit cooperative of Chahanwusu township affiliated to the credit union of Zhaosu County. The total amount of the two loans is 470,000 yuan, of which 398,000 yuan has not been paid back. On April 5, 2018, she sneaked across the border from China Kazakhstan Horgos International Border Cooperation Center to Kazakhstan. At present, Shayilaguli Shawutibayi has been chased by Xinjiang public security organs in accordance with the law for the crimes of illegally crossing the national border and loan fraud. The National News Agency and other media in Kazakhstan published the material, pictures and videos I collected to expose Shayilaguli Shawutibayi, and the visits have reached 1 million times. Netizens in Kazakhstan commented, “such person can win awards. This is really a political game directed and played by the United States himself.”

For example, Reheiman Shanbai, a Xinjiang native in the documentary Chinese Undercover, plays the part of “victim” who was “imprisoned for 12 months for downloading ‘WhatsApp’”. But the fact is that The public security department got a tip-off that she stored audio and video stuff on terrorism and extremism in her mobile phone, and that she often watched them. The public security department inquired her according to law, and considering that the crime was minor and she showed repentance, dealt with her case leniently in accordance with the law and only gave her criticism and education. Her mother, Danixiban Musha, also confirmed, “because my daughter came into contact with religious extremist ideas and was suspected of committing crimes, she did go to the police station for questioning, but she came back three hours later. There was no detention at all.”

For example, in the Japanese cartoon What Happened to Me: The Testimony of Uygur Women, Miriguli Tu’ersun, a Xinjiang native, plays the role of “survivor” and “victim” of “being forced to have contraceptive surgery” when she visited her relatives in Urumqi from Egypt in 2015 and was put in a “concentration camp” together with her children by the Chinese government. However, according to investigation, Miriguli Tu’ersun has never been put in prison and she has never studied in any vocational educational and training center. On April 21, 2017, Miriguli Tu’ersun was held in detention by Public Security Bureau of Qiemo County, Xinjiang on suspicion of inciting ethnic hatred and discrimination. During this period, due to the fact that she had syphilis and other infectious diseases, the Public Security Bureau of Qiemo County canceled the compulsory measures on May 10, 2017 for humanitarian reasons. Apart from 20 days of criminal detention, Miriguli Tu’ersun was completely free during her stay in China. In addition, according to investigation, Miriguli Tu’ersun has no record of having a contraceptive surgery, and her parents have also confirmed that she had fertility. The so-called “forced contraceptive surgery” is not true. Miriguli Tu’ersun has made up lies many times. She once lied that her younger brother Aikebai’er Tu’ersun was maltreated and died in the vocational education and training center. After hearing this lie, Aikebai’er Tu’ersun said, “Miriguli has always been talking nonsense. She not only lied that I was dead, but also made up a rumor that she saw someone else dead.”

For example, Zaomure Dawuti, the “actress” in the book Sterilization, Intrauterine Device, And Compulsory Family Planning: The Movement of Communist Party of China to Suppress the Birth Rate of Uygur Population in Xinjiang, plays the part of a “victim” of “forced sterilization in the vocational education and training center”. As a matter of fact, Zaomure Dawuti has never studied in the vocational education and training center, and her fifth brother Abuduheili Dawuti has also publicly confirmed this. In March 2013, when Zaomure Dawuti gave birth to her third child in the maternity hospital of Urumqi Maternity and Child Health Care Hospital, she signed the “voluntary consent for delivery” and voluntarily asked for cesarean section and ligation. She was not sterilized at all, let alone “removed the uterus”. “I don't want to say anything to her,” Ai’erken Dawuti, the third brother of Zaomure Dawuti, said about her sister. “She has been a habitual liar since her childhood.”

For example, the film Battered Conscience fictions the experience of a Uygur “Kessel” doing business in Turkey, who is “persecuted” by Xinjiang public security organs, and slanders the Xinjiang government for “illegal detention” and “torture” over Uygur people. The “police”, “prisoners in custody” and “community officials” in the film are all acted by Xinjiang people. In fact, all the “actors and actresses” in the film are people who are suspected of committing crimes and are pursued by public security organs online. For example, the film director and actor “Nabijiang Aila”, who was originally a resident of Karamay District, Karamay City, Xinjiang, was chased online by the public security organs for suspected organizing, leading and participating in the crime of terrorism. For example, the “l(fā)eading actor” in the film, Abudureman Kasimu, was chased by the public security organs online in 2017 for the crime of illegally crossing the national border. For example, “actors” such as Kasenjiang Kade’er, Ku’erban Musa, Kaiwusai’er Tu’ersunmaimaiti and others were all chased by the public security organs online for suspected crimes.

III.Disorderly logic reveals the poor fabrication of the anti-China “cultural products” related to Xinjiang

If we gave a closer look at the “cultural products” fabricated by anti-China forces related to Xinjiang, we would find that most of them are far-fetched stories and irrelevant things pulled together with low quality and ill logic. They took the initiative by making unwarranted presumptions and accusations in works related to Xinjiang and upheld “presumption of guilty”. They even switched concepts and blurred boundaries. All these are manifestations of their ulterior motives and it has been made clear that there is nothing they wouldn’t do when it comes to smear Xinjiang.

For example, the so-called research report on The Karakax List: Analysis on the Detention Movement in Xinjiang, China claims that 311 people on the “l(fā)ist” once detained in vocational education and training center due to various reasons are from Moyu County, Hotan Prefecture, Xinjiang and all of them have overseas connections. According to the investigation, the vast majority of the 311 people on the so-called “Karakax List” are residents of Bostan Street, Moyu County. They have been working and living normally there. Only a few of them who were influenced by religious extremism or committed minor crimes have received vocational education and training in accordance with the law. And only 19 people of the 311 have overseas connections and these 19 people have never attended any kind of vocational education and training. At the press conference on Xinjiang-related issues of the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region in February 2020, Haibai’er Maihesuti, resident from Bostan Street, Moyu County, Hotan Prefecture made a speech and disclosed all the lies made by the report.

Another example, the film Chinese Undercover makes up a Han Chinese undercover with the code name “Li”, who interviewed and shot videos secretly in Xinjiang. Through the presentation of the intelligent anti-terrorism technologies of Li’ang Technology in Xinjiang and secret shooting in the company, the film slanders the technological preventive measures in Xinjiang as China’s “digital authoritarianism”. As a matter of fact, government of Xinjiang installed intelligent equipment such as cameras in public places on main roads and transportation pivots to improve social governance and effectively prevent and combat crimes. These equipment are not aimed at any particular ethnic groups and they cannot automatically identify or target any group. The implementation of these equipment has greatly enhanced people’s sense of public security and enjoyed popularity among people of different ethnic groups. According to the gathered information, it is the general practice of the international community to apply modern technology and big data to improve social governance. As early as 2010, the number of monitoring cameras in the UK reached 4.2 million, covering almost all the avenues, alleys and expressways in the country, representing 25% of the world’s total back then. The city monitoring system built by NYPD covering all the corners of New York targets passersby and vehicles and traces the private information on their mobile phones. How come the same measures adopted in western countries are to “protect human rights”, while in China they are “in violation of human rights”?

For example, the so-called report Records of the Detention System in Xinjiang published by Australia Strategic Policy Institution claims that based on satellite map, Xinjiang has added many “detention equipment” and is still expanding “concentration camps”. However, we made a comparison of the locations with Baidu and Google Maps with those in the “report” and found that many of the so-called “concentration camps” are civil institutions in the locality. To name just a few, the so-called “detention center” of Turpan is in fact an office building of local administrative agency; the so-called “detention center” at 38.836°N,77.7056°E is the seniors nursery at Maigaiti County, Kashgar Prefecture; the so-called “detention center” at 39.8252°N,78.5501°E is the logistics park of Bachu County, Kashgar Prefecture; the so-called “detention center” at 38.995°N,77.6682°E is in reality the Middle School of Maigaiti County, Kashgar Prefecture, Xinjiang.

For example, the so-called documentaries Collection of Blood and Voice and Facial Recognition in Tracing Uygurs and Gene Monitoring presumes the region-wide free health examination project as “collecting citizens’ biological information including DNA and carrying out large-scale gene monitoring”. According to investigation, the people’s government of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region put into place the project of free health examination for all the people in Xinjiang since 2016 with the aim to improve people’s health. The free examination is carried out by local medical institutions annually for all the people in Xinjiang. During the examination, there are no such things as collecting biological information such as DNA. So far, Xinjiang has allocated 5.324 billion yuan in comprehensive health examination in total. Through regular free examination, early prevention, discovery, diagnosis and treatment of diseases have been realized. As beneficiaries of this practice, people would rush to medical institutions when the annual health examination begins. Tu’erxun Talipu, villager of Mixia Township, Shache County, Kashgar, told us that his high blood pressure and diabetes were tested from free health examination. Since he was diagnosed and treated in time, the chronic diseases are under effective control.

For example, documentary New Video Revealing: Uygurs Onboard Bus crossing China Forced to Work in Factories presents video clips about Uygurs transported to factories in Qingdao, Fuzhou, Guangzhou,etc. and presumes the people of ethnic minority going out to work as “Uygurs and other ethnic minorities forced to work in inland provinces by Xinjiang government”; the book China’s Manufacturing: Prisoners, Emergency Rescue Services and Invisible Cost of American Cheap Products fabricates statements like “Uygurs and other ethnic minorities are being persecuted and are ‘forced to work’ to produce cheap products”. As it’s known to the public, the four prefectures in southern Xinjiang are located in places of fragile ecological environment with frequent natural disasters and large and abject poverty and are designated as one of the extreme poverty stricken areas by the country. In order to help local people of all ethnic minorities to shake off poverty, governments at all levels of Xinjiang adopted measures such as local employment, cross-prefecture employment within Xinjiang and transferring employment into counterpart aiding provinces and cities. All these measures are adopted to maximize local people’s employment rights, increase their incomes and lift them out of poverty and live a prosperous life. Since 2018, Xinjiang has transferred 151,000 surplus working force of poverty stricken families in southern Xinjiang. Among them, 114,700 were transferred to work in counterpart aiding provinces and cities by recommendation of their fellow villager, assistance of relatives and matched positions by human resources market. They mainly work in shoes and clothes manufacturing, electronic products manufacturing industries and can make as much as 45,000 yuan per year, much higher than their income earned from doing farming work. All the workers have shaken off poverty. Paxiaguli Keremu from a poverty stricken household in Biao’ertuokuoyi Township, Wuqia County, Kizilsu Kirghiz Autonomous Prefecture is a representative of migrant workers, who is working in Dongguan, Guangdong and can make 45,000 yuan a year. Under her influence, more than 500 villagers from Kizilsu Kirghiz Autonomous Prefecture went to Guangdong for employment. Paxiaguli was also awarded National Award for Poverty Alleviation in 2018, May 1 Labor Medal in 2019 and the National Most Beautiful Worker on Nov.24, 2020. In September, 2020, the Information Office of State Council issued the White Paper on Employment and Labor Rights in Xinjiang in which comprehensive and systematic elaboration of the basic employment situation, employment policies, guarantee of the workers basic rights and the remarkable achievements in Xinjiang are made. The fallacy of so-called “forced labor” was rebutted with detailed data.

IV.Special “directors” reveal the backstage planners of the anti-China “cultural products” related to Xinjiang

According to our investigation, the producers of the overseas anti-China “cultural products” related to Xinjiang are from all walks of life. Some of them are the so-called “scholars”, “research think tanks”, and some are from the so-called “non-government organizations”. Despite their occupations, they have the same political background and are engaged in equal despicable activities.

For example, commanded by its “patronizers”, the so-called “research institution”--“Australia Strategic Policy Institution” wantonly hyped issues related to Xinjiang and constantly fabricated anti-China “cultural products” related to Xinjiang to achieve their unspeakable political purpose. According to the gathered information, the so-called “Australia Strategic Policy Institution” is an institution cosponsored by the State Department of the United States, some other foreign governments, NATO as well as certain transnational weapons manufacturers. The institution is keen on fabricating and hyping all kinds of anti-China issues and is deeply influenced by ideologies. It is in essence an anti-China “avant-garde” in “academic” coat. The institution has been spreading rumors, stigmatizing, demonizing China for quite some time, especially on Xinjiang-related issues. They repeatedly published fake reports including Selling Uygurs and Records of Detention System in Xinjiang without any proof and are full of biases to cooperate with anti-China forces to smear and stigmatize Xinjiang. Recently, an article Australia Strategic Policy Institution is the Real Foreign Agent was issued by Australian media. The article revealed that Australia Strategic Policy Institution was involved in substantial transfers of interests and nepotism with its “patronizers”. Being its biggest foreign “patronizer”, the State Department of the United States sponsored it nearly 1.4 million Australian dollars in the last fiscal year, an explosive increase of 367% year-on-year. And all the fund were used in anti-China projects. Australian Citizens’ Party publications Australian Alert Service also published an article saying that the self-claimed “independent” and non-party Australia Strategic Policy Institution is sparing no effort in providing service for the anti-China “war” led by the US and has become tools of other countries completely. Former Australian Ambassador to China, Geoff Raby, criticized the institution, saying it is “the ‘chief designer of China threat theory’” in Australia. Former Australian foreign minister, Bob Carr, criticized it for its “one-sided and pro-American worldview”.

For example, Adrian Zenz, the so-called “expert on Xinjiang”, fabricated malicious “reports related to Xinjiang” many times under the support of anti-China forces, attacking the de-radicalization, birth control, cultural protection work in Xinjiang and got himself busy at the forefront of smearing China’s policy in governing Xinjiang. According to relevant articles, Adrian Zenz, German, gave himself the Chinese name--Zheng Guo’en, and once worked in Cohental College of European Culture and Theology, Germany. He toured to Xinjiang in 2007 and now is a member of the Commemorative Foundation for Victims of Communism, a far-right American organization. Since the end of 2016, Adrian Zenz has repeatedly published and retweeted speeches on Xinjiang related issues and has wantonly distorted and smeared China’s policy of governing Xinjiang. He subsequently fabricated dozens of anti-China articles related to Xinjiang such as Sterilization, Forced Abortion and Mandatory Contraception--CPC’s Oppression Movement on the Birth of Uygurs and A Complete Change towards Healthy Mindset-the Political Reeducation Movement in Xinjiang, China. In these articles, Adrian Zenz produced sensational fallacies including “Xinjiang adopted mandatory birth control policies towards ethnic minorities to curb their population”. With the intentional propaganda by western media represented by New York Times and Washington Post, Adrian Zenz was made famous on the American and Western anti-China stages and was praised as “expert on Xinjiang related issues”. He was spot by American and Western anti-China politicians afterwards and became a key member in the “research group of vocational education and training centers in Xinjiang”. Adrian Zenz shuttled among American Congress, European Parliament, Canadian Parliament and raved about issues related to Xinjiang and incited the west to oppress China with the so-called “human rights issues of Uygurs”. In March, 2020, he attended a themed speech on “China’s systematic persecution of Uygurs” at United States Holocaust Memorial Museum with many US politicians and members of “East Turkistan” organization. In his speech, he propagandized “Xinjiang related issues” and instigated the international community to set up anti-China language system to realize their vicious scheme of “curbing China through Xinjiang”. Needless to say, Adrian Zenz is by no means “expert on Xinjiang”, but a complete liar and stooge and beater fed by anti-China forces and accomplice with “ East Turkistan” organization.

For example, the so-called “non-government organization”--the National Endowment for Democracy who has been claiming to be supporters of “democracy” and “human rights”, but in reality they are sponsors of Xinjiang independence forces and are “producers” of anti-China “cultural products” related to Xinjiang. On Oct. 31, 2019, China Media Group broadcast a special program the National Endowment for Democracy: What kind of political manipulator is it? The program systematically revealed the despicable actions and ulterior motives of the organization. Relevant information suggested that the organization has close links with CIA and is a major agency for US’ external penetration and has a notorious history of interfering in the other countries’ internal affairs, planning “color revolution” and stirring up “regime change”, thus won its name “the second CIA”. For many years, the National Endowment for Democracy has been active in issues related to Xinjiang and “generous” towards anti-China and splitting Xinjiang forces. For example, its fund supporting “East Turkistan” organization and “World Uygur Congress” and its branches in collecting false information and making up all kinds of lies and attacking works in Xinjiang increased from 90,000 US dollars in 2006 to 405,000 US dollars in 2019, presenting an upward tendency per annum; it also supports the Washington-based Chinese Human Rights Defenders. The lie made up by the organization that “more than one million Uygurs are detained in Xinjiang” has become a major excuse for overseas anti-China forces to attack the vocational education and training works in Xinjiang. The despicable means of the US National Endowment for Democracy have been seen through, thus China announced its sanction towards the organization in 2019.

As has been said, under the disguise of “culture dissemination”, western anti-China forces represented by the US are in fact smearing Xinjiang across the world intending to deceive foreigners who are not well aware of the truths. Their means and motives are extremely ugly and evil. However, facts outweigh eloquence and people can tell right from wrong. We firmly believe that the social stability and harmony in Xinjiang cannot be damaged just by some so-called “books”; the ethnic unity and religious harmony in Xinjiang cannot be negated by just some “films”; and the endeavors in constantly striving for better livelihood and happiness for all ethnic groups in Xinjiang cannot be smeared by a handful of “cartoon pictures”. We urge the western anti-China forces such as the United States to stop their inferior tricks. Lies cannot become truth even repeated a thousand times. People of insight across the globe can discern the truth.

(  責(zé)任編輯:周凱航  )


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