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U.S. targeting China on coronavirus tracing 'a global open secret'

By John Lee

(ECNS) -- China on Thursday declined a World Health Organization (WHO) plan for a second phase investigation into the COVID-19 origin that includes the hypothesis it could have been leaked from a Chinese laboratory.

The plan has been compromised by political manipulation and disrespect of scientific facts, said Zeng Yixin, deputy head of the National Health Commission, on Thursday.

This plan seems to echo the so-called "lab-leak" theory that has been hyped based on zero proof by countries like the U.S. since the outbreak of COVID-19.

The "lab-leak" theory has been refuted by scientists many times. It is "extremely unlikely" the novel coronavirus spread to humans through a laboratory leak, according to the joint study report by the WHO and Chinese scientists released at the end of March this year. Besides, scientists worldwide including Dr. Anthony Fauci, chief medical adviser on COVID-19 to the U.S. president, stated that there is no evidence the coronavirus is a "lab-leak" result. However, the U.S. refuses to accept the scientific conclusion and has resorted to its intelligence community, ordering the department to report on the origin tracing investigation in 90 days. A scientific task becomes a political game, how ridiculous!

The U.S.' continuous incitement of investigations into China in terms of an origins study has revealed its ulterior motives -- to antagonize China and make it the scapegoat of the pandemic. The U.S. and its allies will never be satisfied with any other outcome other than one which forces China to be responsible for the pandemic, according to British political and international relations analyst Tom Fowdy on Russia Today.

The so-called "lab-leak" hypothesis put forward by the U.S. presumes guilt against China before further investigation. Where is the country's scientific spirit?

Origins study should be scientific, professional and objective. It should never be utilized by any country to further political interests. Roughly 60 countries have submitted a joint letter to the WHO, expressing their support for the origins study achievements of the first phase and refusal to politicize the scientific question, but the U.S. keeps spreading a "political virus" and targeting China on coronavirus origin tracing. Its evil intension is nothing but an open global secret.

(  責任編輯:徐小婷  )


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